Thank you Dr. Betkar for inviting me to speak at your wonderful e-conference. This e-conference is a great global platform to support employees to navigate the world of work safely and succeed.
A (w)holistic approach - Self-Leadership is the stepping stone to excel in areas of Intellect (IQ), Emotional (EQ) Spiritual (SQ) and Physical (PQ) and know the importance of health and well-being for personal and career success. Develop Self-Awareness and know the signs and Risks of Psychological Abuse including Coercive & Controlling Behaviours
Assess if your workplace is aligning with your Self-Leadership Strategy and recognise the RED FLAGS so that an unconscious workplace does not inflict sickness and poverty.
Thanks ma'am for your support and encouragement always..
We are happy with your speech presentation on our international conference...
Hoping more collaborations in future..
Congratulations ma'am for your support and encouragement always...