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National Workplace Bullying Coalition Legislative Advocacy team USA

Delighted to be a member of the National Workplace Bullying Coalition Legislative Advocacy team USA.

BIG NEWS! Massachusetts and Rhode Island just introduced the Dignity At Work Act to give workers long overdue protections from abuse at work. The goal of creating a national movement to end workplace bullying and to pass legislation is to: - Move the needle on safer workplaces. - Give us a voice for our basic rights to dignity — much like sexual harassment law did. (While sexual harassment still exists, workplace cultures have improved.) If passed, the Dignity At Work Act would: - Provide a cause of action for employees who suffer from workplace bullying. - Hold employers accountable for abuse at work. - Eliminate the need for proof of intent that renders discrimination law ineffective at disrupting social hierarchies at work. (White men still retain the vast majority of power positions in the U.S. workforce more than 50 years after Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Dignity At Work Act would strengthen protections for those who believe their mistreatment at work may be due to discrimination but can't prove it.) - Create an incentive for employers to actually prevent, detect, remedy, and eliminate workplace bullying rather than wait for severe damage to take action. - Protect low-wage workers who can't afford our pay-to-play legal system. To make your voice heard, contact your state legislators: MASSACHUSETTS Ask your state legislators to move the Dignity At Work Act forward: Ask your state legislators to move workers' rights forward, including the Dignity At Work Act: RHODE ISLAND Ask your state legislators to move the Dignity At Work Act forward: Ask your state legislators to move workers' rights forward, including the Dignity At Work Act: Email to get involved in pushing workplace anti-abuse legislation in your state.


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Evan Stark

Thank you Evan Stark for shining a light on such a pervasive and underhand tactic i.e. #coercivecontrol

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