Today Wednesday at 6pm GMT
I invited Linda to our live event, and I am delighted Ireland's first live event will have Guest Speaker Linda Crockett. Linda is Founder of the Candian Institute of Workplace Resources. Linda is also Founder of Workplace Bullying Awareness Week 16th - 22nd October.
Ireland joins Workplace Bullying Awareness Week and is having the Conversation Psychological Abuse in the Workplace - Ireland.
Message from Linda Crockett. "Thank you Gary Namie, PhD of the Workplace Bullying Institute for starting "Freedom from Workplace Bullying Week." I am proud to say I have joined you - The Canadian Institute of Workplace Bullying Resources, 10 years ago - calling my event "Workplace Bullying Awareness Week", and it has now grown in to the International Workplace Bullying Awareness Week! We now have #Ireland, #UK, #france#hungary#greece#india#africa#newzealand#australia#japan#wales#malaysia#novascotia#pei#manitoba#saskatchewan#ontario#newbrunswick#alberta#vancoverisland # and more to come! It just keeps growing, the more you share, the bigger our voice becomes."
